我们的金融机构非常感谢天网科技为我们网站的内容创建和维护. Skynet Technologies一直快速实施我们要求的任何内容更改,并为偶尔出现的任何挑战提供解决方案. We enjoy our relationship with Rajesh and recommend Skynet Technologies for your website needs.
They provided us excellent ADA website accessibility remediation services for our website. 和他们一起工作很容易, 非常敏感,并在需要的时间框架内完成了我们的项目. 我们一定会把它们推荐给任何规模的公司.
自2010年初以来,我一直与Rajesh Bhimani合作. 他和他的团队为我的公司开发了许多项目. My experiences with Rajesh and his team have yielded work that indicates high quality workmanship. 我对他们的技术深度和广度越来越有信心,而且对他们极高的道德标准也越来越有信心, honesty, and integrity.
At first, we were a little reticent to work with a company that had an overseas development team, 尤其是在与一群反应迟钝的本地程序员合作之后. 但从第一份工作开始,拉杰和他的团队就一直是我们的宝贵财富. They’ve become our go-to developers — and really, an extension of our team for ten years now.
Skynet’s technical knowledge is unmatched — we’ve never given them a challenge they couldn’t solve. 他们的反应非常灵敏,办事流程也很好. 我们最喜欢的把戏之一是, 在我们工作日结束的时候, 向天网团队提供我们需要做的事情的清单. 然后,我们发现所有这些任务在第二天早上都已经完成了. 这些看似神奇的一夜解决方案也给我们的客户留下了深刻的印象.
Ultimately, 拉杰和他的团队非常善良, 和蔼可亲,容易共事, 对我们来说,这和他们显而易见的才能和知识一样重要.
Raj and his team at Skynet Technologies have been incredibly responsive to our needs. 他不仅很快就建立了我们的网站, he has helped us sort through database management issues with limited technological know-how on our part. 和拉杰一起工作真的很愉快.
回到过去的日子, I created a web site for myself; as the years passed, 它衰老的速度比岁月流逝的速度还要快.
Finally this year (2014) I had the good fortune to be approached by Rajesh Bhimani, 谁能欣赏我的古董, 并礼貌地提出教我如何使它现代化. 那是我收到过的最好的工作之一, and he provided me with several options on how to spruce it up and talk to my prospects in current lingo. Thereafter, 我挑选了其中一种设计, and discussed with him that I would like to have in the way of background pictures, sliders, accordions, and the like. He made a number of suggestions on how to lessen the distractions I had so carefully placed in my old site, 这些对我来说都很有意义. 他和他的工作人员完成了新的设计和实现, 随着我们的发展,还进行了一些改进. Meanwhile I was sprucing up my products, and getting my deliverables in shape for the new site. 到6月,可交付成果和新的www.chmouse.Com网站汇集在一起,它是在全面运作. 发布后,我想到了一些小的改进, 这些在一夜之间被整合到跑步站点中.
My product, ChurchBook /数据库, 低成本的会计套件(不仅仅是会计)是为“业余”教会办公室工作人员和非会计教会司库设计的吗. As such, 它需要有足够的吸引力,为前景留下深刻印象的网站, and able to take them on an educational short journey to download a trial copy of my program. So far, 它正在满足这些要求, 我对最终产品和天网科技的伟大员工都非常满意,他们让这一切成为可能.
我曾与布朗先生有过一次令人印象深刻的会面. Rajesh Bhimani twenty two years ago when he designed our first website for KAB Dental Inc... 我们在全球范围内销售牙科设备的业务蓬勃发展,在谷歌的第一页上占据了我们的域名. Honesty is his trademark and over the years I have come to trust him and his staff to help our business grow. 从几名员工开始,他的业务已经发展到包括定制购物车和搜索引擎市场服务的几倍.
在我半退休的时候, KB牙科咨询业务, 拉杰什再次帮助我在很短的时间内将我们的域名推广到全球,使我能够销售移动牙科车, 流动牙科拖车, 移动医疗乳房x光检查车, 全球范围内的移动核成像车. He has even learned about my business more than I expected and offered me valuable suggestions.
I trust him and his staff implicitly and would recommend his talents to anyone who can benefit from his many skills.
We have completed several projects with the Skynet Technologies team for our eCommerce platform over the past year. You can see their latest work at our new eCommerce platform for our Motorcycle parts business, kurveygirl.com.
这个团队为完成项目的每一部分都付出了额外的努力. 当遇到挑战时, Skynet Technologies rises to the occasion and develops solutions with excellent communication. 从简单的网站管理, 系统安全(http), 将网站代码升级到最新的PHP, to replatforming a complex ecommerce website; they have taken on every task with professionalism.
It is a breeze to post tickets to their program site and the turnaround time exceeds our expectations. 他们对项目现状的沟通一直很好.
在与其他开发人员合作多年之后, 天网科技是我们合作过的最好的开发团队. 我们推荐它们用于大多数网站项目.
大约两个月前, Rajesh和他在Skynet Technologies的网站开发团队为我们的印刷电路板制造业务创建了一个定制的网站. 由于他们的努力和专业知识, 我们的在线营销业务一夜之间迅速增长!
Indirectly contributing to the outstanding results we are now realizing from our website, 设计是否专业,导航是否方便. 我们几乎每天都能收到顾客的称赞, suppliers, 以及对我们网站印象深刻的商业伙伴. For anyone who wishes to use their online website as an effective marketing tool, 我会敦促他们立即联系拉杰什!
除了通过设计改进和创造高效的营销工具来增加我们公司网站的价值之外, Rajesh has been willing to help us improve our business in several other ways beyond what we could have expected. Specifically, 他创建的演示文稿,我们已经成功地接近了业务量很大的大型组织.
I truly cannot say enough about Rajesh and his team and how grateful we are for his services! 谢谢你,拉杰什!!!
I think it's true to say I was extremely sceptical when I approached Skynet Technologies, 因为我与其他公司合作的经历至少是负面的,但在项目中期,在Aimeos的推荐下,我被自己的一名开发人员留在了一个不可能的位置, 我找到了拉杰和他在天网科技的团队.
I have to say I should not have been worried; Raj and his team have been nothing but supportive, 在项目中途接手别人的代码从来都不是件容易的事,在这种情况下,有时肯定是具有挑战性的, 但每次他们想出一个解决方案这是非常罕见的他们部署的所有东西都经过了测试,并且第一次有效.
Communication has been easy and transparent, and I have been kept well informed all stages. 我会毫不犹豫地推荐任何人与Raj和他在天网科技的团队合作,我期待着在未来与他们探索更多的项目!
Hi there!
My name is 籍先令; I run a Web-design business in Queensland, Australia.
I have been doing this for many years and started to cooperate with "Skynet Technologies" some time ago. 我在天网科技的搭档是. Rajesh, who's ongoing and never ending efforts have allowed me to offer exceptional web services to my client base. 这让我的生意发展得超出了我自己的能力范围.
所有的工作都按时按预算完成了. The quality of work is very high and projects always finished to my full Clients satisfaction. 持续的支持总是在手边,以及时有效的方式完成. 很多时候,客户需要对他们的网站进行一些小的调整,有时这些调整执行得非常快, 并且天网科技不收取任何费用.
当涉及到客户服务, 我把天网科技列为最优秀的公司之一,天下无难事.这家公司的人都明白,我们需要持续不断地提供优质服务,才能在当今快速发展的市场中取得成功. 我长期从事这项业务,希望能够在未来的许多年里与pg电子官网公司的拉杰什长期合作。我很荣幸能成为他们的永久客户之一,并期待着有一天去印度与拉杰什亲自见面.
如果你想要专业的网页设计服务, 持续的礼貌服务, 合理的定价, 那么天网科技就是我的首选. 祝你的网络企业好运!
我在迪拜工作, UAE, 同事们分布在三个时区——印度, the UAE, and the UK. Rajesh & his team at Skynet Technologies have been providing us with IT services for the past many years. They are exceptionally experienced in their work and incredibly prompt in resolving any issues which we encounter. 我们非常放心地知道,他们可以在短时间内提供服务,只有在问题解决到我们满意后才会注销. 我很高兴他们是我们团队的一员.
当我提出问题或提出需要时, the team of Skynet Technologies was always quick to tackle the issue and provide a solution.
我们的网站建在一个过时的网站上, 我们不再维护Drupal 6电子商务模块,我们需要找一个有技术经验的人,不仅要把网站从Drupal 6升级到Drupal 7,还要把我们所有的销售数据从一个商业模块迁移到另一个. 这是一个具有挑战性的项目.
我是通过在线搜索Drupal开发找到它们的. I think for me it was their confidence and their responsiveness that sold me on the project.
They did a fantastic job upgrading my very outdated Drupal 6 e-commerce website up to Drupal 7 e-commerce website. 这不是一个简单的项目作为电子商务模块,我已经建立了网站, 被遗弃了, forcing us to switch to a new ecommerce module and for a lot of the website's architecture to change. 他们做了很好的工作,将站点升级并迁移到Drupal 7,并设法保持网站的性能和以前一样,并进行了改进. 他们很有条理. 在测试期间,他们总是对修复我发现的漏洞做出反应.
一旦新升级的网站上线, 我几乎没有遇到任何问题,因为他们在测试阶段很有耐心. 我们网站的下一步是将旧的商业销售数据合并到我们现在使用的商业模块提供的新表中. 我期待着再次与他们合作. 你可以登录www查看他们的作品.pdhlibrary.com.
效率是描述他们工作方式的最佳方式. 他们总是解决我发现的任何问题. 他们的反应非常积极. 我得说响应时间非常好.
UPDATE: 8-3-22: Phase two is now complete, and I'm happy to report everything is working as desired. I'm very happy with the results and I plan on continuing to work with them on an ongoing basis.
在过去的几年里,我很高兴能与Rajesh Bhimani和他才华横溢的专业团队在天网科技公司工作. 我们的代理机构与北美知名的国家和全球品牌合作,这些品牌要求设计精美,功能优雅的技术解决方案. 天网的工作一直是典范!
我们很感激Raj, Sunil和Skynet的团队一直在为我们完成网站和应用开发工作,即使是最紧迫的最后期限. 他们写的代码很紧凑, 他们提供的文档非常详细, 从他们设计的用户界面解决方案中可以清楚地看出,他们非常了解品牌和客户参与.
Working with global teams is a challenge — it requires being responsive around the clock, day and night. 拉杰愿意付出额外的努力,随时与我们见面,这是我们与天网合作所享受的卓越的另一个例子.
有很多公司开发网站和应用程序. 但是很少有公司将技术专长和多功能性与pg电子官网公司常规提供的服务和支持水平结合起来. 我坚决支持拉杰和他的团队!
We had an old shopping cart we had used for about 21 years that was going out of business. 我们需要一个新的网站,一个集成到我们的主URL. I searched for cart developers and interviewed several that had strong recommendations. Raj seemed the most intelligent, responsible and professional and I went with Skynet. 他们建立了一个新的OS Commerce站点,将其整合到修改后的主页中. 他们从旧购物车里下载了所有的信息, 是否进行了大量的编程来集成我们的数据库需求, 建立一个联盟计划.
转到新网站后,我们的销售额有了显著的增长. 我们和拉杰进行了互动,所以很简单也很有效. They worked well, did an excellent job, responded quickly, and were highly professional.
我与Rajesh和他的团队一起工作了11年多,涉及各种不同的技术项目,包括网站, sales funnels, 我公司的电子邮件基础设施, and more. 他竭尽全力,甚至夜以继日地工作,以确保每一个结果都超出预期,并保持在预算之内.